QueueMaster Pro – Manage Multiple Queues on the same App

QueueMaster Pro – Manage Multiple Queues on the same App


This app feature, known as QueueMaster Pro, allows app administrators to effectively manage multiple queues for different purposes, services, or locations. Admins have the flexibility to add, remove, and rearrange users within the queues.

The module enables granular control over the number of people allowed to wait in each queue, addressing space or security limitations. Users receive SMS and push notifications, keeping them informed about their queue position and any changes.

This empowers users to go about their tasks while waiting, returning to the establishment when their position is closer to the top. The Queue Controller automates the process, prioritizes users, and enhances communication by providing reasons for any changes made to their queue status.

Note: A Twilio account is required to send SMS notifications

For example, each queue can serve a distinct purpose, service, or location. A practical scenario could be within a financial institution, where the Queue Controller is utilised for opening new accounts, another for mortgages, and yet another for insurance applications.

App administrators possess the capability to create unlimited queues and exercise control over user positions within the queues, enabling them to move users up or down as well as add or remove users from any particular queue.

This queue controller feature proves highly effective in managing the number of individuals waiting in a queue at a detailed level. Certain establishments face limitations such as space constraints or security protocols, which impose a maximum limit on the number of individuals allowed to wait in line for a service.

By leveraging this module, app administrators can efficiently automate the queue management process. They can establish precedence among users and automate notifications as users progress towards the top of the queue, all without requiring users to be physically present at the location until their designated time approaches.

Users receive SMS and push notifications regarding queue activities. These notifications include updates on their position changes, deletions from the queue, or when they are moved to the back of the line. This feature empowers users to carry out other tasks while waiting. For instance, if they are initially number 40 in the queue, they can run errands and return to the establishment when their position advances, say, to number 5.

App administrators can also provide reasons to users explaining why they were moved or deleted from the queues, enhancing communication and transparency between the app and its users.