


Included in Basic App Package

Allow your customers to comment on products and services, write reviews and interact with each other by including a Fanwall in your business app. This feature is a great tool for creating and maintaining User relationships. Much like your business Facebook page customers can like and comment on posts, as well as report comments.

The Fanwall is a wall where app users can post images of themselves using your product. It can also be used to run competitions. A monthly Fanwall post /user can be selected to win a prize in order to generate interaction by app users.

  • A Fan Wall post can also be added manually via the App Management Portal. But then there will be no location attached to the Wall Post.

Please note: Comments by app users on the Fanwall, can’t be approved before the comment is posted. The comments are automatically posted, but it can be deleted afterwards. If a Fanwall post was done via the Web App, then the location won’t be pulled through either.

The following fields are available during setup:

  • A radius can be added to only show Fanwall post within that radius.

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